Just invite and survey get dollar
people string site jejaring social likes facebook, friendster, twitter and other as it, will distinguish people string from another social site them will pay us when shall we invite friend to unite at people string. we also at will pay when will get email plus commitee until level 6 as big as 2%-20%. follow expert online business, people string at predictions will bloom very fast will like site jejaring another social at because people string will distribute 70% from advertisement income whom they will obtain to member.
then what that can we do at people string?
1. we can get friend or new customer
2. write blog
3. play game
4. upload photo
5. polling
6. forum and other as it.
the detailer:
1. at pay when get email
2. at pay every mail whom we accept (at send to home address)
3. at pay 0.50 every invite friend to unite.
4. payment via paypal
manner sign-ups people string:
1. click here to sign up
2. click sign up now.
3. contents username.
4. for free list chooses free account.
5. form contents.
6. logging.
7. click mailbox cashbox.
8. click take your survey.
9. answer survey.
10. finished.
finished will sign-up to wait mail from people string that at will send to your address, mail full secret code, code to activate current process dollar to account you.
note: your data contents is truly likes telephone number and your address.
congratulation hunt dollar
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